Birdie Who?


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I’m Robyn.

Things to know about me: I love to run (the further, the better), I like to be outside as much as possible, and I’m perpetually – some might say problematically – optimistic. There’s a lot more to know, but that’s the gist of what I talk about on this blog.

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I live in beautiful Colorado, and no matter how much I see of it – I can’t quite get enough. I lived in Seattle for 8 years, so the Pacific Northwest will always have a special place in my heart. I’m getting married to my best friend of ten years this June, and our beloved cat Jasper makes regular appearances throughout the internet.


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The short and long of it: if you like the outdoors, Chipotle, musicals, November Project, Phish Food ice cream, and/or petting strangers’ dogs – then we’ll get along well.

a brief running history

I started my running “career” as a hurdler and sprinter in high school on the track team. I loved it and I loved to run, but only for short periods of time. As in – even the 800 meter warm-up was a bit too much for me.

My track career ended when I started college, and somewhere along the way I took up distance running. I started slowly with short distances, but somehow my love for the sport continued to grow—and so did my mileage.

I got the idea to run a half-marathon on a whim and trained for it completely blindly. Luckily, this somehow worked, and after that first race in 2010— I was hooked. I had found a way to stay active, challenge myself, and give my ruthless competitive nature a little outlet.

Boston 2014

Boston 2014




I’ve finished 15 half marathons and 6 full marathons. I’m hooked on the 26.2 distance, and at least for the time being…I can’t get enough of it. Don’t ask me how much I love it at mile 23 though 🙂 You can read about my racing history here. I will also throw in some short races here and there, as the sprinter in me likes to come out every so often.

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This is  where I discuss the lessons I’ve learned, and continue to learn, through this challenging, rewarding, and addictive hobby.


Thanks for reading! Please send me any thoughts or questions you have—as you can probably tell, I love any excuse to talk about running.

3 thoughts on “Birdie Who?

  1. Rebecca Newhouse (@rrnewhouse)

    I found your blog after reading your Twitter post last night. I, too, am a running fanatic. And I, too, have a vested interest in writing. As a English/reading teacher and avid runner, I quickly found myself coaching junior high x-country. Unfortunately, I was only able to do it for a couple years before recently moving, but coaching x-country launched my running hobby into a craze of road races and half marathons. I’m thinking about doing a marathon, now that I’ve finished grad school, but I’m both nervous and exhilarated by the idea. I find your writing about running captivating, and I think that your marathon journey will be inspiring for me. Thanks for your blog!

    1. runbirdierun Post author

      So glad you enjoy it Rebecca! Great to hear from a fellow runner/writer…the two seem to work quite well together:) Good luck on marathon endeavors, it is definitely worth the challenge—and I’m sure you can do it! Thanks for reading.


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